In 2001, the very famous Urban legend in Delhi was ripe for the picking. Dozen of Delhi residents reported being terrorized by a black 'Monkey-Man' who allegedly scratch and bite citizens before disappearing. Monkey Man- the iron fisted and red eye creature of the night held nationwide attention at that time. Delhi's Monkey Man is believed to be the product of mass hysteria.
Description of Monkey Man
- In the month of May, 2001 stories being circulate about a strange, nocturnal, monkey like creature that was attacking people. Eyewitness accounts were often inconsistent, but they describe that the creature was about four feet tall, covered in thick black hair.
source- Wikipedia - Many says that, it wore a metal helmet, had metal claws, pants, glowing red eyes and three buttons on the chest. In similar fashion, it was believed that the creature could turn invisible with the press of one button on his panel.
- Some suggest the Monkey Man is an avatar of Hindu diety Hanuman, while other claims it is a version of Bigfoot.
- These man-made description sometime portrayed the creature as natural being while sometimes mechanical.
• The Black Magic Story- it's a kind of rumour that spread alot during this strange case. The story tells, A man who used to stay a Vijay Nagar Ghaziabad learned black magic from Bengal. He told his wife that he can tun himself into a monkey, and she didn't believe him. To prove himself he decided to turn himself into a monkey, he told his wife to pour a saucer of water on him to turn him back to normal human. The water was atoned by black magic.
The moment he mumbled himself into a black monkey, his wife got scared and dropped the saucer. Then onwards the monkey got loose and killed it's wife, as he was no longer human. Around a week after this incident got a little famous, the monkey man was spotted in nasirpur Nehru Nagar Ghaziabad around 4 a.m.. gradually this became a hysteria in ghaziabad special in semi urban and rural areas, people use to wake up all night for night watch.
• People used to talk about different height specifications of this creature they said, they are aliens who came here to collect samples from Earth including humans. They came some twenty thirty years ago in Middle East where same cases have been reported. Some people also said that these are Chinese people because of short height, with gadgets who have specific purpose to do that. Many people also claim that they fought the monkey man but they are very much anointed in oil or lubricant that it cannot grip them.
Few Specific Incidents.
- On 13th May 2001, 15 people suffered injuries ranging from bruises to bites and scratches. On 15th May, a pregnant woman fell down from stairs fleeing after neighbours shouted that they have seen the monkey man in their colony.
- On 18th may 2001, a Van driver was set upon and sustain multiple fractures in other case of mistaken identification as the monkey man. Moreover a 4 foot tall wandering Hindu Sadhu was beaten up by angry mob who mistook him for that creature.
- The belief in the Monkey Man was so strong that two men had even died after jumping from balconies to escape the creature.
- Further citing of Monkey men were reported in Kanpur in February 2002 and in New Delhi in July 2002, the latter describing a monkey like machine that sparkle blue and red light.
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